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Sunday, 21 July 2013

Fishing update

A robin keeps me company
I have managed several trips out on the Warks Avon over the past ten days. In that time, the heatwave has continued and with it the river has fallen inch by inch and its flow decreased. Spells like this are never conducive to productive fishing so I have just set myself the target of catching. Whilst results have not been spectacular I have managed to keep things ticking over and I am happy to announce that I still only have my opening day blank to blot my copybook.

My main approach has been to continue rolling meat where the river's flow has allowed me to do this effectively together with fishing in a baited swim as dusk approaches and a little into darkness. It has been very noticeable how the pace of the river has reduced during the hot spell with barely any weight needed to move a bait through a pacier run. To conclude, rolling meat has outscored any other method. Indeed, it's the only method to have
Rolling meat accounts for another barbel
produced barbel during these last few sessions. I am convinced that fishing a static bait in the same area would not have resulted in the same results. It's also an instant method and I have managed a barbel within ten minutes of arrival on three of my sessions in the last week, including two within minutes of each other. The static approach has been a complete wash out. I had hoped that baiting up a peg and fishing it during the optimum time just before and after dusk would have resulted in some fish but it's been a disappointment. I have managed some reasonably sized eels, which is encouraging given they are said to be decline as well as some chub. However, there have been no signs of barbel apart from a decent looking fish that topped although it could have been a carp as I only caught a quick glimpse.
Fish like this 2lb chub have kept me busy

The river despearately needs some rain to refresh it and kick start the season. I think a lot of fish are localised and have not really spread out across stretches and in turn it's leading to sport that is very hit or miss. In the meantime I will persevere with moving baits before giving the lower Severn some attention in the coming weeks. As always, please add your comments and join the site.


  1. Lee I see that your near the warks avon, have you had any significant rain there yet as I was hoping of popping up from brizzle,

    Enjoy the blog,

    Chris avis

  2. Hi Chris, we had some rain although not a significant change to levels. Having had a walk to the river this evening I'd say it is a few inches higher than the past month. Worth a go though imo.
